Highlighted Projects


Network Rail

Network Rail

Employed to design, develop, test and commission the West Coast Main Line Electrification SCADA system for Network Rail. This includes the development of RTU configurations to control and monitor substation circuit breakers and MOS’s including alarm signals generated from IED relays connected via IEC103 and IEC61850 networks.

Network Rail

Network Rail

Network Rail

  I was part of the team that surveyed the London Managed Stations using the Leica RTC360 scanning equipment for asset data capture to input into Station Information and Security System (SISS) and produce a 3D data model of the stations.

Tyne Council

Network Rail

Tyne Council

Tyne Tunnel and Road Variable Message Sign SCADA system.

Led the development of a ‘Hot’ standby SCADA system to control and monitor variable message signs for the Tyne tunnel and road network.  System consisted of a Vijeo Citect SCADA application communicating with Schneider Quantum PLC’s and an SQL database on Hot/Standby servers; data was automatically replicated between the two servers using SQL stored procedures.


TFL: (N. London Tunnels & Road)

Tyne Council


Building Management SCADA System:

Responsible for the delivery of three Building Management SCADA Systems that control and monitor Unilever’s Data Centres.  System requirements included strict temperature and energy consumption monitoring and reporting to highlight trends and to detail the plants Power Utilisation Efficiency.

TFL: (N. London Tunnels & Road)

TFL: (N. London Tunnels & Road)

TFL: (N. London Tunnels & Road)

    Environmental Monitoring and Control SCADA System (EMCSS)

Responsible for the delivery of the EMCSS for the tunnel and road network in North London. EMCSS was required to interface to monitoring equipment at multiple sites and control equipment, such as fans, lights and pumps to maintain a safe environment in the tunnels and on the roadways. Broadband links and SCADA clients were installed at several control centres to enable remote monitoring and WAN control of the system. 

TFL: Blackwall Tunnel & EIDL

TFL: (N. London Tunnels & Road)

TFL: (N. London Tunnels & Road)

  Responsible for the commissioning of the Environment and Control Systems for Blackwall and East India Dock Link tunnels, this included electrical testing, ventilation testing, lighting testing and the management of electricians and test engineers for interface testing.